Amish Fancy Butter And Egg Dinner Rolls Recipe @pinch

The texture and taste of these homemade dinner rolls are perfect! They are slightly sweet, softy, and super fluffy. Literally, they melt in your mouth. Serve warm, with your favorite butter, and they are just amazing. If you don't have salted butter, make sure to add a pinch or two of salt to the recipe. The proofing method to make these rolls is not traditional, but it works and the final result is delicious. Another recipe that I brought home from my trip to an Amish community in northern Indiana. When I asked why they were called fancy rolls, I was told by an old Amish woman that they had butter, sugar, AND egg, making them too fancy for everyday meals. These were reserved for fancy occasions, such as weddings and parties. This is the base recipe for one dozen, but they double or triple as needed. Prep time does not include rise times.Enjoy!

amish "fancy" butter and egg dinner rolls
Prep time: Cook time:
Recipe Cuisine: American Recipe Category: Sweet Breads Yield: 6 Servings
Ingredients :
  • 1 cup(s) cup warm water (think warm bath water)
  • 1 package(s) Red Star quick-rise yeast
  • 1/4 cup(s) sugar
  • 3 tablespoon(s) very soft butter
  • 1 - egg, beaten
  • 3\u00bc-3\u00bd cup(s) all-purpose flour
Intructions :
  • Please Note: The original family recipe does not contain any additional salt because you are using salted butter both in the dough and on top. Feel free to add a small amount, if you wish. However, it's not really necessary. Place warm water and sugar in a mixer bowl. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add yeast and mix well. Let stand for 10 minutes until it gets foamy
  • Add very soft butter and beaten egg. Mix well
  • With a dough hook, gradually start to mix in flour. Add flour until a ball of dough forms and cleans the bottom and sides of the mixer bowl
  • Dough should not be sticky to the touch. When you reach this point, set on setting 2 and knead for 5 minutes
  • Remove from the mixer bowl and place in a large buttered bowl. Cover with Saran Wrap sprayed with cooking spray. Heat oven to 200 degrees. Place the bowl on top of a hot pad and place on the back burner. Allow to rise until doubled, about an hour
  • Punch dough down
  • Divide into 12 equal pieces and form into rolls. I just learned this method of forming rolls on my trip to an Amish community. They could form a dozen of these rolls in minutes. Here is a great link showing how it's done.http://www.melskitchencafe.com/tutorial-shaping-perfect-rolls/
  • Place rolls in a greased 13x9 baking pan, sides gently touching. (Rolls may not fill pan at this point, but that's ok. As long as you keep them together, as a group, with sides lightly touching.)
  • Cover with sprayed Saran Wrap and return to top of the stove to rise, 35-45 minutes
  • When they are large, light, and fluffy, bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20 minutes. (Watch closely as all ovens are different.)
  • Remove from oven and gently brush with melted butter. Enjoy!
  • For Crescent Rolls:After first rise, place dough on lightly floured counter (1-2 Tbsp). Form into a 13-14 circle. Using a pizza cutter, cut into 8 triangles. (For smaller crescents, you could cut them into 10 triangles. Cutting into 8 makes a very large roll.)
  • Starting at wide end, roll to pointed end. Use a few drops of water to seal tip. Bend slightly forming crescent, then place on greased baking sheet, tip tucked underneath
  • Let rise until doubled and then continue on as for round dinner rolls, brushing with melted butter when done. Baking time in my oven was approximately 15-18 minutes
  • This is how big they are if you make 8. They are big boys. Cutting into 10 equal pieces would make a smaller dinner roll.

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Keyword : amish-bread roll-American-Sweet Breads

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